Lewy Body Dementia Resource Center

Lewy Body Dementia Resource Center (LBDRC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to 1) raise crucially needed awareness of Lewy body dementia (LBD) through the dissemination of information to health care professionals and the general public; 2) offer loving support and services to LBD families nationally and internationally; and 3) promote essential scientific advances. LBDRC has the only live helpline for LBD in the U.S. and is available 365 days a year. Numerous support groups are offered via Zoom for people living with LBD and care partners. LBD Information is offered in Spanish, French, Hebrew, Chinese, Russian, Ukrainian, and Korean. LBDRC has an exclusive video series, Views From Within, which presents firsthand experiences of people living with LBD, their caregivers, and expert physicians in 10 short videos. A special program, Brian’s Buddies, dedicated to ending the social isolation of people living with LBD, connects individuals with others who have similar interests. LBDRC is the fiscal sponsor of the new documentary, Facing The Wind. LBDRC’s website has hundreds of resources to help find neurologists, therapists, meal deliveries, brain donation organizations, caregiving help, and much more. For information: www.lewybodyresourcecenter.org